Pack up for a day of fishing and fun with the Chevy Traverse. You'll be hooked on the spacious cargo area and advanced tech.
Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian Greek army that led to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem being rededicated. The occasion was marked by the lighting of the Holy Temple’s menorah, a practice that continues today.
This year, the annual Jewish celebration of Hanukkah takes place from sundown on Sunday, Dec. 2 through sundown on Monday, Dec. 10. Through this week, organizations across Metro Detroit will be holding Hanukkah celebrations for all ages.
Menorah in the D (Dec. 2)
The 8th annual celebration will take place in Campus Martius with a 26-foot menorah being lit on December 2. The festivities begin at 4:30 p.m. with refreshments, roasted marshmallows, Hanukkah gelt for children, a kosher food truck, dancing dreidels and dreidel mascot, and more. At 5:00 p.m., the lighting of the menorah will take place and will include speeches from community leaders and Detroit Pistons, as well as live music.
Pack up for a day of fishing and fun with the Chevy Traverse. You'll be hooked on the spacious cargo area and advanced tech.
Chanukah Wonderland (Dec. 2-6)
Taking place at Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, this five-day event will include a dreidel bounce house and mascot, a LEGO dreidel kit, a latke frying station, and more. On the final day (Dec. 6), there will be a concert featuring Nissim Black and the lighting of a 10-foot LEGO menorah. Admission to the Wonderland is $5. Admission to the concert is $10 in advance and $15 at the door.
Pitt CDC Chanukah Party (Dec. 6)
Spend Chanukah with The Jewish Community Center of Metro Detroit at Handleman Hall. The Pitt CDC Chanukah Party will include crafts, a DJ and dinner. Registration is required. $5 per child and $10 per adult.
NEXTGen Detroit and JFamily Chanukah Bash (Dec. 9)
NEXTGen Detroit and the Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit are holding a Chanukah celebration aimed at young children. The festivities kick off at 4 p.m. with latkes, Chanukah cookie decorating (and eating!), dreidel decorating, and more. The lighting of the menorah will take place at 5 p.m. Admission is priced per family and the fee is cut in half when registering before Dec. 3.
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